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Related article: Judging by the preceding cri- teria, if the score is love all, and you hold as dealer (11) C? K. Q.8.6, 3; 4 K. 8, 6; 5. 4, 3 ; ^ A. 7. you go hearts. So also if the hearts are K. J. 10, 6, 3. But if K. J. 8, 6, 3, you leave it to partner. So fine a line Purchase Tretinoin can only be regarded as a rough guide. With the last-named combination it has been contended that, when hearts are trumps, even if your partner hold Tretinoin Buy ace or queen of hearts, and Generic Tretinoin ace, queen of clubs, you Buy Tretinoin must lose four tricks and perhaps five tricks. It can be seen by a simple example that there is no such necessity : — 9 10, 9, z 410,9. A. K.Q.7 6. 4 K. 9, 6. C?Q.5,4. ♦ A.Q.5,4,8. 010. ♦ 8,4,3,2. North. {Dummy). Wbst. Tretinoin Gel East. Sooth. 9 A. 7. ♦ J. 7, 2. J- 8i 8, 2. ♦ Q. J. 1Q, 5 ^ K. J. a, e, 3 ♦ K. 8, 6. 5,4,3. ♦ A. 7. • 1 264 BAILY S MAGAZINE. [October Score : love all. Dealer, South. If South makes hearts, (i) West leads king of dia- monds. North's hand is then ex- posed. West cannot let the weak trump hand ruff, so (2) Probably leads 10 of clubs, won by South with the king. (3) South leads a diamond trumped by North. (4) North leads queen of trumps won by East. (5) East leads queen of spades won by South. (6 to 13) South draws the ad- verse trumps, North discarding spade. North wins four tricks in clubs ; South makes the last two trumps ; and N.S. win five by cards, scoring 40 ; and 16 by honours. Game. If West should lead a spade at trick 2, East, having re-entry with ace Buy Cheap Tretinoin of hearts, must make one spade, and N.S. score four by cards only, but win the Tretinoin Online game as before. Supposing South makes No Trumps, West wins five diamonds right oflF (East throwing 8, 9 and knave to the first three rounds) ; if he then leads a spade, E.W. win Cheap Tretinoin the odd trick. If not, E.W. win six tricks, and save the game easily. It is impossible, then, to con- sider the criteria given above as absolute ; but they will be found very useful while gaining experi- ence ; nor are they by any means to be despised even by advanced players. If your side 0.05 Tretinoin Cream have scored 18, Tretinoin Cream hearts are undoubtedly the declaration on the hand last given. With only four hearts, do not declare the suit as dealer, unless your cards are four honours. This is an article of faith with Bridge players and, generally speaking, is quite Purchase Tretinoin Online sound. We may take leave to doubt, however, whether any rule, in either Bridge or Whist, is absolutely free from exceptions, nor could the dealer be greatly blamed for going hearts Where Can I Buy Tretinoin on the following : — 02) C?A.K.Q. 3; 410^6.2: OA. K.5; ^8.7,6. On a pass, with this hand, de- clare hearts without hesitation. And, in general. The Order Tretinoin declaration being left to you, Where To Buy Tretinoin make hearts whenever you have not a No Trump hand, and can win four tricks if hearts are trumps. With three tricks only in hand, a heart declaration is not sound. Whether as dealer or dealer's partner, if you have not a No Trump hand, always go hearts on six. III. — Diamonds. The main distinctions to be Order Tretinoin Online observed between this declaration and that Buy Tretinoin Cream of hearts are (i.) that two by cards in hearts will bring you very near the landmark of 18, whereas the same number of tricks in diamonds are little if at all better than in clubs; (ii.^ that, with five diamonds, if you leave it to partner, you have the chance of two better declarations instead of only one. On five diamonds, therefore, without four honours, diamonds will very rarely be right when your score Tretinoin Cream 0.05 is love. On six dia- monds, the declaration is mostly advisable, though perhaps less frequently than if you had the same holding in hearts. Even with four honours in diamonds, make No Trumps if you can ; if you cannot, take the good the gods provide you; in no case, under such Where To Buy Tretinoin Cream circumstances, can you afford to leave it to partner. IV. — Clubs and Spadbs. It is the practice in Buy Tretinoin Online some circles never to make a Tretinoin 0.05 black suit at love 1900.] THE GAME OF BRIDGE.